Moon Sono Sx
by Elektrostudio
3.5 / 5     (26 votes)
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Moon Sono Sx is a Moog Sonix Six emulation.

It features two VCOs with changeable waveform (sawtooth, triangle, square, pulse), one low-pass VCF, a VCA, two multimode LFOs for modulation. The Sono is a two-oscillator duophonic synth.

It can be set for duophonic, (two notes at a time... one oscillator takes high-note priority and one oscillator takes low note priority), monophonic (both oscs), or monophonic with a drone (one osc changes pitch, one does not).

The pitch of each oscillator can be controlled by dual LFO, one by contour, and the other by the other oscillator. The Sono Sx also features pink or white noise. The Dual LFO design is unique. A mix control allows mixing of each LFO source, while voltage control of each LFO allows additional rate control not often seen in portable synthesizers.

Each LFO can produce saw, reverse saw, triangle, and square wave outputs. The contour generators are a simple design as compared to other synthesizer models. Decay is provided by a switch, offering long or short decay times.

el petchanoz Jul 08 2021
(5 / 5)
Jul 08 2021
Great one, inspiring, good & beautiful sounds, need more fxp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gridsleep Apr 19 2019
(5 / 5)
Apr 19 2019
That's a Sonic V (five) but who's counting. It sounds really good.
Mato Sept 03 2018
(5 / 5)
Sept 03 2018
I like the harsh, raw tone of this one!!
Darko Aug 23 2018
(5 / 5)
Aug 23 2018
Damn, this synth sounds so vintage analogue warm, you can almost feel the heat!
Vilad May 15 2018
(5 / 5)
May 15 2018
Really Good
Domingo pineda Jan 12 2014
Jan 12 2014
Felicidades estan buenos todos xD
Zufo Jun 03 2012
(5 / 5)
Jun 03 2012
It's not only a virtual tecnological instrument, but a true virtual experience, a trip all way down to the roots. There are other emus, but this one has the feel, is quite little CPU hungry, and sounds huge as a monument.
AndyB Jun 30 2011
(5 / 5)
Jun 30 2011
Brilliant for the old Rick Wakeman solo`s or Yes solo`s ! I would highly recomend this vsti to anyone having tried free vst`s and purchased ones... The closest i have come to anything close to this is A-TRANSPIRANT !!!
Subramaniam Nov 02 2010
(5 / 5)
Nov 02 2010
Hi, thx for this plug. I love it! This is VERY great work! For all who love the old analog synths this is a MUST! The design seems orientated by the older Musonics Sonic 5. 10 of 5 Points.
Ghekorg7 May 17 2010
(5 / 5)
May 17 2010
I always wanted a real modular Moog Synthesizer... In Athens back in 1977 this was for me impossible... young and not a penny to spend.. Now This is it ! GREAT sound ! Play some Emerson, Lake& Palmer stuff. Thank you very much.