MIDI-Transformer allows you to transform and reroute incoming MIDI signals.
To use the plugin, place it somewhere in your VST chain and select an input source from the top-left dropdown, as well as an output destination from the top-right dropdown.
During playback, the plugin works as follows:
The plugin's GUI will show a vertical line along the curve to indicate the last input value that was captured, and how it was transformed. To edit the curve :
To use the plugin, place it somewhere in your VST chain and select an input source from the top-left dropdown, as well as an output destination from the top-right dropdown.
During playback, the plugin works as follows:
- Reads incoming MIDI values from the selected input source.
- Transforms those values using the specified transformation curve.
- Outputs the transformed values according to the selected output destination.
The plugin's GUI will show a vertical line along the curve to indicate the last input value that was captured, and how it was transformed. To edit the curve :
- Move a node by clicking and dragging.
- Add a node by double clicking anywhere along the curve.
- Delete a node by right clicking on it.
- Change a node's curve type by double clicking on it.
- This will cycle between the three curve types: Linear (default), Quadratic, Cubic.
Win 64 VST
(1.3 Mb)
It's a Vst3.
The idea behind this plugin is only possible with vst3. vst2s can't multi-task. When a vst2 receives midi, the sole process for that plug-in at that moment is generating / outputting whatever the MIDI instructed. While that happens, those midi notes are inaccessible, essentially non-existent (as far as the DAW is concerned) as long as they are being read by the plug-in. I think it's something to do with the digital architecture of vsts. It also means that, while vst2s can read and react to incoming data, they can't send any information themselves. Vst3 changed that, so now a bit of midi can trigger a plug-in to run multiple processes and outwardly send data while, at the same time, it's responding to incoming (midi) data.