4.8 / 5     (10 votes)
Win64 OSX
CHANNEV is a channel-strip with mic preamp, de-esser, line-Amp, 4 band equalizer, compressor, limiter and tape saturation!
  • Mic preamp with 60dB Virtual Gain, PAD, and Phase Invert. Also, Pre-EQ (Low Shelf/High Shelf) and HPF/LPF.
  • De-Esser with Bell and Soft options. It will help you to tame highs!
  • 4 Band 81 Style Eq with variable frequency instead limited selectable frequencies. While Low and High bands have bell option, mid bands have Hi-Q option. Also, included Post-Filter same as Pre-Filter.
  • Limiter and Compressor based on 2264 but now totally independent and each has its own external side-chain.
  • Latest module is Tape Saturation. It will help you add tape saturation and glue overall signal.
  • Fixed 2X light oversampling to keep CPU lower
  • You can see "ROUTING" to understand signal-chain.
Please support freeware development
JKF Feb 18 2022
(5 / 5)
Feb 18 2022
This sounds amazing, and is especially nice for taming my weird voice. It's great to have such a full-function channel strip for free. It does cause Reaper to crash from time to time, especially if I use a bunch of iterations at once. For that reason I use it mainly for vocals, and use other channel strips if I need to put up a bunch of them.
Albornocero Nov 27 2021
(5 / 5)
Nov 27 2021
I'm here to say I have Waves CLA Mixhub, and Waves Omni Channel. With pain I have to say I changed them for this pluggin. I'm super happy with Channev and I cry for the wasted money in Waves.
george Sep 28 2021
(4 / 5)
Sep 28 2021
I have version 1.4 of this vst, this is my go too eq plugin, I would give it 5 stars if it wasn't for the occasional crash, I use it in both Reaper and Reason 11, not sure what I do to make it crash.
Steve Oct 01 2021
Oct 01 2021
Yes it crashes for me also. Whether it's too many instances, I don't know. Seems slightly unstable. For 90 percent of the time it's ok.
JKF Feb 18 2022
Feb 18 2022
I've had the same experience. If I use more than a couple of iterations, it gets touchy. I still use it for my vocals because it's the best for taming my voice.
Will Mar 14 2022
Mar 14 2022
I was just recommended that I take a look. On the surface it looked and sounded good ... however I started on a mix, thought I'd use it to see how things were and had the worst crash I've ever experienced. I got locked out of my project audio folder. I thought the folder had been corrupted and the project was lost, but shutting down the computer for 5 minutes resolved the issue. If that issue can be fixed I'm sure it would be something I'd use.
Steve Aug 02 2021
(5 / 5)
Aug 02 2021
Astounding. This is an amazing plug in. Exceptional on bass tracks and bus tracks so far. But could see this being applied everywhere. The analogue control is exceptional. Pre Mics EQ Compressor all work together in a subtle way that makes a mix sound richer, professional. One of the best from Analog, and thats saying something. Thank you to the peeps who made this.
Sebastian Aug 26 2021
Aug 26 2021
I believe cubase5 is 32 bits. I used jbridge to convert 32 to 64 bits plugins
Vince 1004 Aug 01 2021
Aug 01 2021
How do I make my Analog Obsession plugins show on cubase 5 ?
Vince 1004 Jul 17 2021
(4 / 5)
Jul 17 2021
The love I have for Analog Obsession keeps growing
Kedskies Jul 13 2021
(5 / 5)
Jul 13 2021
Top quality stuffs right here. If you're sleeping on this you're missing the whole fun. Highly recommend. Totally awesome
Ambedo Jul 10 2021
(5 / 5)
Jul 10 2021
Damn this plugin is sweet! I've tried using on a few different things, tweaking the settings and the A/B'ing the results and wow, it really can sweeten up sounds. The de-esser seems to work quite nicely on drum busses as well, soothing harshness in snares and hats.
Eranmadi84 Jul 09 2021
(5 / 5)
Jul 09 2021
It's the most of the best freeware Neve style master mix buss glue channel strip processor enhancements for Finnish mix and mastering ever before in my life, i love this plugin and you analog obsession.
Bogan Jul 08 2021
(5 / 5)
Jul 08 2021
Jon Jul 08 2021
(5 / 5)
Jul 08 2021
I must say that I'm very impressed with this plug-in! The tape saturation sounds very smooth and full, reminds me of Softube Saturation Knob. The de-esser works well on drums, but haven't tested on vocals yet, and the EQ and Pre seems to do what they should. The compressor has that typical Neve fixed attack, which I rather set myself tbh (but it is an emulation, so I can't complain), the release seems a bit short compared to other Neve emulations, though, with 400ms on Channev being closer to 100ms on both Arturias DIODE-609 and IK's Precision Comp-Limiter (the 33609 are supposed to be based on the 2264A, but maybe the release really are that much different in the real-deal? ). The limiter is really spanky and much fun! Unlike his other plug-ins, this one seems to have OS turned on by default and you cannot turn it off, but it seems rather efficient and the plug-in never exceeded 0.8% CPU usage in Reaper, so I can't complain. All-in-all, this is a very good plug-in that easily competes with Lindell 80 channel and bx_console N! I like the layout more than the other two actually, the GUI is just a tad too big. A resizable one would be very welcome, but with this being a free/donation plug-in, it already delivers way more than what is necessary for a 5 star plug-in!