by Fretted Synth
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GatePlus is a noise gate driven by an amp envelope, with a very fast attack of about 1.5ms.

Four different versions are included in the package. Standard mono and stereo gates triggered by the inputs signal. There are also mono and stereo side chain versions. Use a different source to control the gates trigger. Example: use a kick drum track to trigger the bass tracks gate envelope.
  • Threshold - Sets the threshold of the gate being triggered -68db - 0db, Set low for long sustain, set high for fast re-trigger or to only open the gate at a signals peaks.
  • Decay - Adjusts the gate re-trigger speed by controlling the time it takes the gate to close. Useful to prevent stutters or re-triggering of the gate as it closes when set high.
  • Attack - Sets the envelope attack time.
  • Decay - Sets the envelope decay time.
  • Sustain - Sets the envelopes sustain level.
  • Release - Sets the envelopes time to close after the gate has closed.

Plugin Input-output
  • GatePlus - Mono input and output - The gate is triggered by the input.
  • GatePlusSt - Stereo input and output - The gate is triggered by the LR input summed and level compensated.
  • GatePlusSC - Stereo input mono output - The gate is triggered by the "left" #1 input, The source to be gated and sent to the output goes to the "right" #2 input.
  • GatePlusStSC - Two stereo inputs and a stereo output - The gate is triggered by the first stereo input summed and level compensated. The second stereo input is for the source to be gated and sent to the Stereo output.
Ross May 07 2022
(5 / 5)
May 07 2022
The best vst I've tried so far.
Bob Sep 04 2021
(5 / 5)
Sep 04 2021
This gate looks old, but its very punchy and tight. I tried the mono and monosc. In one mix i did, it was the best i had for snare. I was impressed. I know nothing about this developer but i also tried the wah pedals and it was great.