by Calgar C
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Nocturna is a wavetable FM synthesizer.

It includes 2 wavetable Oscillators, dual LFOs, and Sub Oscillators Nocturna allows you to get deep into sound design. Included is a large sound Library with over 100 patches, future expansions and dozens of waveforms.

WAVETABLE MANIPULATION : The Wavetable inside Nocturna allows you to shape and create your own waveforms, as well as save them for future use. With separate Envelopes and Filters for each Oscillator the possibilities are endless.

ADVANCED MODULATION CONTROL : Nocturna comes with a full featured Modulation section. Included are 2 LFOs with an LFO matrix allowing you to map them to a number of functions. 2 super clean Sub oscillators and a Wave Generator.

WAVE GENERATOR : The Wave Generator inside Nocturna loads and plays 24-bit wav Files. You can use the Wave Generator to modulate other oscillators for cool effects and weird noises.

X/Y MAPPABLE ENVELOPE GENERATOR : The Envelope Generator is an Envelope where the attack, decay, sustain, and release can be mapped to an X/Y pad and then sent to various Oscillators. This allows for some sweet synths.

ADVANCED FX ENGINE : Nocturna has a superb FX engine Including various FX such as, Four Q equalizer, Reverb, Delay, Chorus, and Compressor. The FX can be arranged in any order using the matrix at the bottom.
Please support freeware development
Andew Jun 02 2021
(4 / 5)
Jun 02 2021
I really like the concept!
Jon Aug 22 2020
(2 / 5)
Aug 22 2020
This is a SynthMaker/FlowStone creation. 32 bit only. Forced installer (DLL itself is self-contained and portable..) Extremely unnecessarily high CPU usage, 30x more than Surge (which is a better synth). Comes with 45 mediocre presets. The synth itself may have potential but it requires a lot of dedication and tolerance.
Anhinea Jan 09 2020
(0 / 5)
Jan 09 2020
Very bad
Karl GC Sept 15 2017
Sept 15 2017
I'm looking like hell for the knobs to transpose the oscillators, there's a finetune yes but where's the rest ?
Luke Feb 11 2017
(2 / 5)
Feb 11 2017
Great synth but it won't run well on my system without overloading the CPU, maybe that's because I'm running it on linux under wine but idk
16 Million Colours Feb 09 2017
(5 / 5)
Feb 09 2017
You can buy a second hand LCD monitor on Ebay for next to nothing and plug your laptop into it, that'll probably give you higher resolution screen, at least when you're at home. Had the same problem with mine, it's a cheap way to view hi-res software. Just a thought... Nice synth, looks good, sounds good. Thank you Calgar C
ctho Apr 29 2017
Apr 29 2017
I got a laptop to work on projects while on the move, if i can't use a vst because the gui exceeds my laptop's resolution capabilities, it's useless to me.
Manoj Dec 22 2016
Dec 22 2016
Great Synth Thanks for Sharing
PK Dec 12 2016
(5 / 5)
Dec 12 2016
Nice Sounding
ctho Dec 10 2016
Dec 10 2016
cmon, enough with the huge GUIs, i'm sure it's a capable synth, but it's way too big for a laptop that stops at 1366x768
Anonymous Dec 12 2016
Dec 12 2016
Same Problem for me here, why the Developers are not flow with the time and create damn Big GUI's such a Shame this one looks pretty good but its to big ....
Mark (FlyingScooter) Dec 14 2016
Dec 14 2016
Thanks for the heads-up before DL'ing it. I personally hate messing with 'settings'. But, well, freeware is just that 'free.' I've found that sometimes it's the size factor that costs you. Peace.