by Leslie Sanford
4.7 / 5     (31 votes)
Win32 Win64
Cobalt is an hybrid synth inspired by many of the digital synthesizers from the 1980s.
Though Cobalt is a purely digital synthesizer, its overall architecture is very much like those early hybrid synthesizers that combined earlier analog technology with newer digital technology.

It features a wide selection of waveforms, most of which were resynthesized from actual hybrid synthesizers, while providing traditional subtractive synthesis capabilities for sculpting its sound.
Eugenius Maximus May 31 2022
(5 / 5)
May 31 2022
Cobalt by Leslie Sanford creates amazing, warm, rich, and beautiful sounds. The negative reviews are from people, who don't know what they are doing or have weird old setups that need upgrades. I use iRigs37 and Reason 10 and no issues. So download Cobalt and start creating.
DrakuLaura Jan 23 2022
(5 / 5)
Jan 23 2022
Great synth with great optimization - even very complex presets consume only about 6% CPU in my FL Studio 20. The sound reminds of cobalt metal indeed: cold, detached, hybrid with metallic FM impact.
John Burns Aug 01 2021
(2 / 5)
Aug 01 2021
Yet another synth that seems to interact badly with my keys/playing/pedal. Kinda cold sounding. Pretty good layout but the tone does nothing for me. Clacky sounds when attack is set to 0. I wish I liked this synth more but there are more basic synths out there which give you nicer tones and require much less fiddling.
ImissVL1 Jun 20 2021
(5 / 5)
Jun 20 2021
This hasn't crushed or freezed my DAW single time. Not single time. The only other VSTs I can say that about is Synth1, Dexed, Togu Audio and Full Bucket plugins - which is to say this synth belongs in the finest of the finest in freeware. But Cobalt isn't only stable. It's a lovely, different synth. It's not analog, it's digital but funny thing is, it can sound more organic (not analog, organic as in acoustic) than many analog synths, but still retains that digital clarity and edge. It's a timeless sound, never retro, never quite modern but always musical. I've never tried DW80000 but the Wavestation comes close in the kind of sounds I get from this. Also, like Synth1, Cobalt never overpowers or sounds crap no matter what you do. It's also very simple to use, the GUI is easily understandable. The only thing I don't like is it could be brighter and the knob action could be somehow firmer and precise.
Jonathan Penson Jun 04 2021
(4 / 5)
Jun 04 2021
This is a great product. My only reservation is that it has standard ADSR envelopes. The DW8000's 'slope' and 'breakpoint' parameters are not included, meaning a lot of its distinctive sounds cannot be replicated. It would be great to see these included in a revised version. And - it's been a long time since I owned a DW8000, but I am fairly sure that not quite all of its 16 original waveforms are in Cobalt.
Tore Hansen Jan 20 2021
(5 / 5)
Jan 20 2021
In the search for sounds I used in the 90s, having a Korg DW8000 this is very cool!
Federico Ortiz Nov 08 2020
(5 / 5)
Nov 08 2020
Excellent, great synth!
ray smith Jun 17 2020
(2 / 5)
Jun 17 2020
This is way to difficult to use i don't suggest getting it.
Proteus Feb 19 2020
(5 / 5)
Feb 19 2020
Cobalt is a wonderful sounding synth! <3
John Jan 07 2020
Jan 07 2020
It has extra banks, how does one change banks?
Digital Rules Oct 27 2019
(5 / 5)
Oct 27 2019
What a freaking amazing sounding synth! Incredible!
Proteus Apr 27 2019
(5 / 5)
Apr 27 2019
Cobalt is one of the best sounding freebies out there. It sounds excellent! The hybrid sound engine can make it sound digital cold or analogue warm. I use it very often. I recommend this synth!
Digital Rules Jan 06 2020
Jan 06 2020
Yeah, Cobalt sounds amazing! Really awesome that Leslie turned it into freeware! Top shelf sonics freebie! <3<3<3
Darko Mar 11 2019
(5 / 5)
Mar 11 2019
The awesome Cobalt has been updated to version 2. It sounds amazing for free.
Darko Aug 18 2018
(5 / 5)
Aug 18 2018
I love this synthesizer!
Mato Apr 08 2019
Apr 08 2019
Me too. An amazing freebie with a stunning sound engine.
AM May 20 2018
(5 / 5)
May 20 2018
Gorgeous 80s vibes. I like it a lot!
Proteus May 09 2018
(5 / 5)
May 09 2018
I honestly was not expecting much, but man was I wrong and in for a big surprise.... Such a fat, full, nice, smooth, sweet, wonderful sound and sonic character. No wonder it was a commercial synth way back in the past. Thank You very much Leslie Sanford for making Cobalt freeware.
Darko Nov 20 2018
Nov 20 2018
Absolutely agree, Cobalt sounds brilliant, it is one of the very best sounding softsynths out there! Very generous of Leslie to give this gem away for free! <3
L@zarus Apr 17 2018
(5 / 5)
Apr 17 2018
Very sweet and warm sounding synth, a pleasure to work with! Thx to Leslie Sanford
Anus-Vinegar Mar 31 2018
(5 / 5)
Mar 31 2018
For KORG DW-8000 Lovers! To tell the truth,This SYNTH is EXACTLY the clone of DW-8000. Cobalt has the same Oscllator waveforms of DW's. Can not believe to get this 64 bit version for free. (A couple of years,I have bought this almost 100 dollars,) Now raise your hat to Leslie!!!!!!
Ken B Jul 30 2017
(5 / 5)
Jul 30 2017
What an amazing sounding synth, so warm and serious low end, huge bass sounds.
Mato Apr 03 2017
(5 / 5)
Apr 03 2017
Very nice digital but warm sounding synth! Thanks Leslie!
Tatum Mar 31 2017
(5 / 5)
Mar 31 2017
Suoni bellissimi, semplice interagire. Complimenti
Baron F. Dec 25 2016
(5 / 5)
Dec 25 2016
Good soft-sounding synth with nice patches. Ready to go straight away. Still testing it but already like it.
Dec 21 2016
Very good synth, surprising too, thanks to the developpers and those that makes it so easy to download without endless redirections
Chevy_1982 Dec 15 2016
(4 / 5)
Dec 15 2016
Cool plugin I love it!
Joe Dec 13 2016
(5 / 5)
Dec 13 2016
This is my favorite of all synths I have tried for 80s sounds! Thanks to Leslie for setting it free.
ctho Nov 29 2016
Nov 29 2016
Is there a smaller GUI? both versions are the same size, and if like me you have a laptop that displays up to 1366x768 it's next to useless
Nameless Dec 06 2016
Dec 06 2016
Yes there is.
U-o Dec 31 2016
Dec 31 2016
Just visit KVRAudio, there is newer version + more skins in this thread:
Jan May 03 2020
May 03 2020
Remove CobaltLarge.ini, next rename CobaltSmall.ini as CobaltLarge.ini
LFO Nov 28 2016
(5 / 5)
Nov 28 2016
A little beauty. Good clean layout that invites you to tweek, and also comes with a nice range of preset banks to get you going. Sounds great.
Cajhmere Nov 28 2016
(5 / 5)
Nov 28 2016
Tested it today. If you search a partner for your Synth1, get it! It's digital, but with a really nicely warm breeze. It doesn't sound harsh in any way, plastic like or metallic. The presets are well selected, to give you a clue of what u get. I didn't test multiple instances for now, neither designing own sounds, but the GUI is really and I'm sure easy to handle and should not punch your CPU in the stomache. Weird, I never before heard about this synth - now it's free and additionally 64bit. Nicey!
Akros Nov 27 2016
(5 / 5)
Nov 27 2016
Good digital synth
Real gem! Nov 25 2016
(5 / 5)
Nov 25 2016
Unique, clear sound.