by Oceanturtle music
3.8 / 5     (20 votes)
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Friendly neighborhood equalizer !
  • Paragraphic equalizer with 7 bands, with the option of bell, high and low shelf shape.
  • Additional Low pass and High pass filters for bass/treble roll off.
  • Accurate curve UI with an dB axis zoom feature for extra precision.
  • Mouse drag modifier for even more precision.
  • A special "curve scale" feature which amplifies the overall frequency response of all bands.
  • Nice main volume slider.
  • Four output mixing modes - stereo, mono or left/right channel.
  • Customizable default preset bank. Default bank comes with 10 presets.
  • CPU-friendly 64 bit SSE processing.
  • Three different skins, in addition to the default red theme (above), a blue and a clean minimal variant is available.
  • Possibility for custom skin design (see the "skins" directory for details).

Grzeszko Sep 13 2021
(5 / 5)
Sep 13 2021
Fnequalizer is really a very useful, and natural sounding eq. It makes some troubles when works together with PSP plugins, but those plugins are known because of their unexpected whims. In my opinion it is for 4,5/5 stars.
Bass Musicz Nov 22 2020
Nov 22 2020
Does it have any spectrum indicator???
Grzeszko Sep 13 2021
Sep 13 2021
What for? Can't you hear the sound when you use this plug?
Thunderthud May 29 2018
May 29 2018
I have tried using this many times in Audacity, but when I hit apply, it bombs out the program most times. Too bad cause it's easy to use and works great, when it works!
G-Ra Jan 31 2018
Jan 31 2018
I'm gonna sound like an idiot but I can't use it on lmms. It doesn't appear in my effects plugins. I have the folder it's set in as my vst directory as well.
John Jan 02 2018
(3 / 5)
Jan 02 2018
Very good EQ with an excellent interface. I think there are nicer sounding ones out there though. CPU usage is modest. This and EasyQ are two of the best surgical eqs.
juan Oct 17 2017
(4 / 5)
Oct 17 2017
C'est super on entend bien les fréquences je kiffe, merci.
Chad Sept 15 2017
(3 / 5)
Sept 15 2017
Every Reformat, I look for this one again. It's better than any I've seen. So versatlie, useful. Has all the features I'd want (except maybe a live EQ spectrogram at the same time. But for Free, accept no substitutes.
K4syx Nov 17 2016
(5 / 5)
Nov 17 2016
Love it :)
Dave_Oh Jul 16 2015
(4 / 5)
Jul 16 2015
Now this is a good one, works good nice display it's a keeper.
Zeljko Apr 24 2015
(4 / 5)
Apr 24 2015
If you are looking for that missing fast stock go-to EQ that is among first things in your chain, to do fast HP/LP and remove something on the way, this is the one. It's among fastest EQ's on market, just try it, go in there, do HP/LP and than sweep trough to find some offending frequencies, right, it took you less than 10 seconds. Use right click in conjunction with up/down mouse moves to change Q, everything else one click away, pretty fast. This is really great&fast tool that will pretty soon become big part of you, just something that get's things done as fast as you hear them and all that workflow will benefit final outcome.