by Linplug
3.9 / 5     (22 votes)
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CM-505 is a 12 voice drum synth.

  • 12 Pad Drum Synth.
  • One Stereo, six Mono Outputs.
  • Generates its own waveforms.
  • Built in distortion and Bitcrusher.
  • OSX compatible carbon version.
  • Developed in conjunction with Linplug
want to like it. May 13 2020
(5 / 5)
May 13 2020
I like the simplicity and videogame-like sounds of this little guy. The modulators for each sound are limited, but all useful and easily identified/programmable. So far so good! However, as is the case with way too many of these homespun VSTs, the routing options are just ... broken ... or missing, or ... I'm not even sure, here. The VST allows you to assign each sound to a Channel (of 6) ... but what this does, or how it relates to your DAW's channels, I have no clue. In Reaper 6, at least, they remain unidentified by the DAW and no actual routing of individual sounds/channels is possible as far as I can tell. A too-frequent frustration with drum synths, even some commercial ones.
Master Sound Apr 02 2020
(5 / 5)
Apr 02 2020
Тоже не могу заставить работать этот плагин.в Reaper. Прогу установил давнищу, а изучить всё руки не доходят. Некогда. Нужно работать. Поставил в FL Studio Всё прекрасно работает.
Anonymous Apr 21 2019
Apr 21 2019
John Jan 18 2018
(3 / 5)
Jan 18 2018
About as good as you could want it to be. Sounds cool and has a nice, simple but flexible interface and uses up very little CPU. The main downside for me is that this synth is a little too much inclined towards the whole, crazy, in your face, digital drums spectrum which means you end up with some cool sounding drum parts that don't really fit in with anything else, that always seem to be saying "hey look at me!" rather than just providing a rhythm track. I want to like this more but realistically i don't think it's quite as use-able as a more basic sounding synth like ERS Drums.
Zealotron Apr 10 2016
Apr 10 2016
Cant get routing to work in Reaper - Anybody got it to work?
Sivaram Jan 25 2017
Jan 25 2017
Same problem here
b78 May 13 2020
May 13 2020
Same here. Cool little drum synth, but the absolutely broken/missing routing kinda kills it.
zop zop Mar 04 2016
(4 / 5)
Mar 04 2016
Really nice, but seems to bug when trying to route the outputs. Is there a fix somewhere? Haven't find yet :'(
TheRobotizer Feb 17 2016
(5 / 5)
Feb 17 2016
Best Drum Synth, Gracias.
SquareLEAD Jan 19 2015
(5 / 5)
Jan 19 2015
Sounds Cool !
CM505 Jun 19 2013
(5 / 5)
Jun 19 2013
Great but not free, it's a magazineware (comes with Computer Magazine which you must buy in order to get it).
Syntha Nov 01 2012
Nov 01 2012
Dirt cheap sounds... but HOT!!
plasma Sept 06 2012
(5 / 5)
Sept 06 2012
find myself using this almost always :P go to drummachine
Anonymous Aug 29 2012
(3 / 5)
Aug 29 2012
Anonymous Jun 19 2012
(5 / 5)
Jun 19 2012
This drum machine is pure analog and it sounds funky i love it, hard to believe this is free, I am a big fan of analog drum machines and have been looking for this particular sound on the computer, it has that mechanical low-fi very dirty sound. Also the sound shaping is awesome.
Ki Jaya Feb 27 2012
(5 / 5)
Feb 27 2012
Super machine
meta Feb 07 2012
Feb 07 2012
very good !!! download.......
mod�r� Jan 29 2012
(4 / 5)
Jan 29 2012
I like it, it has solos and mutes, wich is rare among free drum machines, and the default bank sounds good.